Difference Maker Prayer Guide || Local - Week 3

Where do you go when you need help? Do you have a faithful friend you turn to? Do you have a family member that always has your back? What would happen tomorrow if you lost your job? Would you be ok? Imagine if you didn’t have that friend or family member to turn to. What would you do?

This week, we are going to pray for our local region. There are so many hurting people around us and a lot of people and organizations who are trying to help. We want to focus on those with needs and those who help those with needs.

Dear Father, first off thank You for providing for me. I know that it’s a blessing that You chose for me to be born in this century, in this location with the family that I have. You specifically created me for this moment in time and have given me the gifts and talents to do what You have created for me to do.

Father, I pray for those around me. I pray for the hundreds of foster children around me that do not have a family. Lord, I pray that You would love them in a way that they can feel You with them. I pray You guide them to a loving family. Protect them from evil. Fill their hearts with love, joy, and hope. Help them not to become hardened by their circumstances but instead to have an increased capacity towards love and forgiveness.

I pray for the foster families around us who have made that commitment to do something about this problem. I pray their homes would be filled with joy and love and hope from You! Continue to bless them and care for them as they do this important work.

I pray for the homeless in our communities. Lord, I pray You watch over them and keep them safe. Lord give them food and shelter and opportunities to grow. Lord, I pray for the homeless shelters and all of the workers in these shelters. Lord, I pray that You would give them the funding they need to continue this important work.

I pray for the widows among us. I pray that those that have family remaining, would be visited or called by their loved ones this week. Lord, bring to mind now a widow I know that I could call or visit this week to share a few minutes with them and hopefully put a smile on their face.

Finally Jesus, I ask that You would bring these people to my mind daily. Help me to not just pray for them right now in this moment, but to remember them as I pray every day, every hour this week. Father show me how I can make a difference in the lives of even just one of these people this week. Thank You again Father for Your great love for me and those that are hurting.


Continue in prayer this week:

- pray for foster children and foster families
- pray specifically for children to be placed in loving homes
- pray specifically for more people to become foster families
- pray specifically for peace and patience and blessings for those that are fostering
- ask God to show you if you should explore the possibility of becoming a foster parent
- do you know any foster families? If so reach out to them and ask if they need anything this week
- pray for the homeless and widows
- pray specifically for the homeless to have food and shelter and to be shown the love of Jesus this season
- pray specifically for widows to not feel lonely
- ask God to reveal to you a widow who you can reach out to this week
- pray for the local food banks, homeless shelters and other charities in your area
- pray specifically for funding for them and for volunteers
- pray specifically for those that work in these areas to be encouraged by the good work they are doing
- pray for local churches
- pray specifically that the church would rise up to show the love of Jesus to our community
- pray for your local first responders and medical workers
- pray specifically for safety for them as they put their lives on the line every day for us
- who do you know in this area that you can say thank you to and encourage today

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