From Addiction to Salvation: A Story of God's Power to Change Lives

  • Stories
  • 2 min read
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As a church, we have witnessed countless individuals struggle with addiction, and the devastating consequences it can bring. However, we have also seen firsthand how God's grace and power can transform lives and set people free from the grip of addiction. We want to share with you the powerful testimony of one woman who experienced God's transforming power in her life.

Sara grew up in a Christian environment. Despite this upbringing, she rebelled and walked away from God. Her life spiraled out of control, and she became addicted to drugs, selling them to support her habit. She even ended up spending five years in prison after inadvertently causing someone's death due to her addiction.

But God was not done with her yet. In 2020, Sara reached out to her family and asked to come home. On June 3rd of that year, she gave her life to Christ, and everything changed. She is now clean, off drugs, and on prescribed medication for her depression. She has found joy in life again, and is even going back to school to study psychology, passing with straight A's.

What Sara discovered is that there is nothing we can do to earn God's love. We don't have to spend eternity in misery, trapped in addiction or any other struggle. We can be set free, and God offers that freedom to us freely. It's never too late to turn your life around and invite God into your life.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction or any other issue, there is hope. Reach out to a pastor, counselor, or someone who can help you take the first step towards freedom. And remember, with God, all things are possible.

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