
Have You Lost Your First Love? Finding Your Way Back to Jesus

Allen Jessee - 10/1/2023

Does your relationship with Jesus feel distant? Have you lost your passion and excitement for following Christ? In this sermon, we look at Jesus' message to the church in Ephesus and how we can find our way back to our first love. Even faithful believers can drift from their devotion to Jesus over time. But God wants to revive our hearts! He is calling us to return through repentance, prayer, worship, and service.

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well everybody man I want to welcome you to our study through the Book of Revelation we're looking at the first
three chapters not the whole book and we will be here a whole year you know but uh I've been wanting to do a study on
the seven churches for years and years and years I mean this thing has been sort of burning within me for a number
of years and I would take a note and I would read a passage and I thought man we got to preach on this I've got to
teach on this but today I believe today and I'm encouraged I want to welcome all
of you here from all of our locations from Bluefield and Marin and Bristol and those of you that watch on TV and online
I want you to stay with me through the entire seven weeks we're going to look at the seven letters from Jesus Christ
himself to the Apostle John in the first three chapters The Book of Revelation now a little study I would encourage you
to bring your Bible matter of fact I know we've spoiled you at Highlands because the scripture is always on the screen but hey one of the ways you know
I'm always teaching it right is you got it looking you're looking looking at it with me so this next few weeks why don't
you bring your Bible and we'll look at these early churches and these letters in Revelation now it's real interesting
Revelation is the last book of the Bible the 66th book of the Bible it was given
to John the Apostle John when he was 90 years old in a dream in a vision and
Jesus comes to John and he gives him this vision and it is an incredible
passage of scriptures on the end times how it's all going to end and he starts
out talking to the churches now I think this is extremely relevant for where we are today in our culture not only in
America but around the world I think you're going to find something that will be beneficial to you personally in your
own walk but let's remember he's talking to Christians he's talking to the churches so this is a study for those of
you who have found Christ and if you're here these weekends and you're still a skeptic or you're still on your job
Ernie I want to tell you you need to come because this is how you will know and you will find Jesus is the way to
peace and joy in your life so I want to get right into it let's look Revelation chapter one look at verse 9. this is
what he says I John your brother and companion in the suffering and Kingdom
and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus and I want you to catch this part
was on the island of Patmos some pronounce it Patmos because now why was
he on this island he's a prisoner on the island he's in Exile at 90 on this island and he is there because of the
word of God and the testimony of Jesus so the Apostle John the last remaining
Apostle all the others have been martyred for their faith and now John in
his old age he is still teaching and preaching Jesus and now he is arrested and he has taken in the Aegean Sea over
to the Isle of Patmos and there he stays in Exile and he gets this vision from
God and the reason they put him there they wanted him away they want they wanted to get rid of John so they put
him on the small island and he his crime is he's been teaching the Deliverance of
Jesus look in verse 10. it's where the Revelation happens and he says on the
Lord's day I was in the spirit it's interesting language and I heard behind
me a loud voice like a trumpet now again this is Jesus this is the
resurrected Jesus and these are truly the last words of Jesus and now Jesus is
speaking to John and he explicitly tells him in verse 10. I want you to write
these seven letters to the seven churches and uh you know we know we're going to
look at all those next week we're going to talk about the church in Smyrna and then perking them and then thyatara and
laodicea these all these seven churches we're going to go through and John gets this Vision this Revelation from Jesus
and actually he tells him exactly what he wants to write in this in this Vision
that John receives now behind me we have a map of the Isle of Patmos where John
is and then you can see that he is right in you know on sort of the in the middle
of the agency and then you'll see all these seven churches and this is today modern day turkey and you'll notice that
the first church that we're going to talk about today at the church at Ephesus is right on the sea now it's
interesting and you have to sort of understand this because we Jesus is different here he's the same but he's
actually different the this these are the words these are the letters of the resurrected Jesus and and when you read
the first couple of chapters Jesus tells us how he's going to return and it says
that his eyes are like Blazing Fury and we think wow you know is he mad or
something no he he's just declaring that he is God that he is the beginning and
he is the end and these letters that he writes to these churches are actually
letters of commendation they're letters of the things they're doing right but they're also warnings from Jesus and he
says I want you to get this because when I return I want you to get it right I want you to be the church that is
actually doing the right things and so these letters when we think of Jesus
they're really not love letters like we think of the gospels you know all these little love letters from Jesus no you'll
understand he is serious here and he gets to the point very quickly and he is
gracious on what the churches are doing great but he is also evaluating and
helping and moving for Change and where change needs to happen so
he sort of evaluates the churches and he commends them on what they're doing well and then he tells them where they need
to change and I I've thought about this so many times and I fought just like
Jesus wrote a letter to these seven churches and I want you to think about this with me I would love to to think
you know I'd love to hear what you think what would the letter that Jesus would write to Highlands Fellowship what kind
of letter do you think he would write to our church if Jesus and he is doing evaluation of our church what are the
things we are doing great that he loves that he said man keep going and where are the things
that we need to change how can we be more like the church he desires for us
to be so as we go through this study I want all of us to think about our
personal church because you know this was written you know years and years ago but it is still very relevant today and
in matters just like this now all of us know this is something we all agree on
that we are living in the last days and these words of warning to Jesus are for
us in this culture of chaos which we live and I believe it's it's for such a
time as this when we see Christianity uh you know beginning to decline and in our
country uh in America the country that we love we begin to see that we're shifting away from God and so God just
like he wrote to the churches in in in in Revelation he is writing the same kind of message to us through this
scripture that we can learn that's still very applicable for us today so in Revelation Chapter 3 Verse 6 this
is what he says and he says this often in in these letters he says Whoever has
ears let them hear what the spirit says to the churches
now you probably have ears if you're here I think almost everybody I've seen
today has ears and he makes this point over and over and over and he says all right Whoever has ears I want you to
hear what the spirit of God is saying to you now as he's right into these churches I want you to understand he's
writing to us today and you have a set of ears and the Holy Spirit is here and let's just pray right
now and let's ask God wherever you are at one of our locations at home in your office on vacation let's just ask God
right now to speak to us through his Spirit would you do that with me Lord we come before you right now
and God we don't come to church today just because it's a habit we come to church because we want to hear from you
and your word teaches us in this particular passage that those who have ears to hear the spirit is talking the
spirit is here the spirit is where you are and God just help us to hear from you
today and Lord if there are things we need to change if there's conditions in our own
life that we need to look at if there are things in our church that we have drifted to do that are unlike Youth and
God just by your spirit speak to our hearts today and may we hear you and may we know it's you and
God when we leave today may we be different because of your voice we ask
it in Jesus name amen I've been praying for a long time about the series and here's what I would say my prayer is
that Jesus would speak personally to you in these next seven weeks that he has
something personally for you so let's look at the first letter it is the church at Ephesus a little uh
there's some background pictures of what Ephesus looks like today but in those days it was a major city and it was on a
major trade route right on the coast it was an incredible City sort of the gateway to Asia and uh if you were to
think about a city that would be likened it today it would be like New York all right or L.A right on the coast an
important and important city the folks who lived in Ephesus they were well educated they were well resourced they
had one of the largest libraries at the time in the world they were into the
Arts and to theater they had a 24 000 seat theater in those days that's
bigger than what we have in in New York today so you got to understand this church I mean it was a commercial center
of the world and uh they still have these incredible ruins that have been uncovered and people still visit there
by the droves to see the church church at Ephesus but it was a church of influence it was a church of
significance and so the Ephesian church was not a small church it was not in a
small town but rather the church at Ephesus was a large Church in an influential City
and this church played a major role in the early movement of Jesus you remember
Paul pastored there for three years and it moved forward to Christian faith and
this church now receives in his 30th year he's 30 years old now
this sort of commendation and warning from Jesus so
I want to look at this in Revelation Chapter 2 this is what it says in verse 1 to the angel of the church in Ephesus
right this is Jesus speaking these are the words of him who holds the Seven
Stars these are the Pastors in his right hand and walks among the seven golden
lampstands these are the seven churches the lamp stands the church the church is the light should be shining I know your
Deeds this is what he begins to say about the church's absence Jesus said I know your Deeds I know your hard work I
know your perseverance I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men that you have tested those who claim to be Apostles
but are not and you have found them false you have persevered you have endured hardships from my name and have
not grown weary man it sounds like a church you want to be a part of right I mean it's a pretty incredible place and then he says this yet I hold this
against you you have forsaken your first love
remember the height from which you have fallen repent and do the things you did at
first and if you do not repent a Stern warning warning I will come to you and I
will remove your lamp stand from its place but you have this in your favor
you hate the practice of the nicolations which is also hate now we'll talk about
this a little bit and then he finishes like he does so many times he who has an ear to hear Let Him hear while the
spirit of the Lord says to the churches to him who overcomes I will give the right to eat from the Tree of Life very
interesting language which is in the paradise of god so let's break this down
again the lamp stand is a symbol for the church the Stars the Seven Stars are the symbol for The Messengers of the church
and Jesus is actually walking among his church he's uh you know he's the boss
right and he is looking at everything the church at Ephesus is doing well
and he's inspecting the fruit here and he's seeing how each individual believer
in Ephesus is doing personally individually so it's for you and again
he's the CEO here he he's really the boss he is the boss of our church he is
the CEO of our church but each church had its own Pastor like we have our own pastors here it's sort of like that show
undercover bosses I know it's corny but that's one of my favorite shows actually I sort of like it and I've watched a lot
of episodes and you know the the CEO the owner of the company I think they did one was Chipotle or they did one with
Taco Bell but you know this guy dresses up and he takes off his suit and tie and he leaves the corporate office and it's
either you know the the owner is the Lady or or a guy and they go out into just one of their normal restaurants and
they put on the uniform and I remember the one I think it was Taco Bell and and uh there they are and they work side by
side their employees and it was so funny I remember they were making some kind of taco and here the boss is you've never
done anything like this and this worker this young worker says you're not doing that right and I thought that's pretty
cool you're not folding the chalupa the right way you're not putting you know all the ingredients where you're supposed to do it yeah fix this make it
right but it was impressive for the Undercover Boss because he realized here's this young guy who's getting paid
you know probably not what he thinks he deserves and yet he sees him and he's
grateful for his you know his perseverance in a difficult at times
situation and this guy has no idea that the CEO you know the owner of the company is working along beside him and
then he comes in and then finally he reveals that he was working with you it's a good show if you haven't seen it
I encourage you to watch well this is what Jesus is doing in these churches he is he's taken notice and in verse two
let's go back and let's sort of dissect this Jesus says hey guys I know your Deeds he watched us he knows our motives
he sees our service and he is uh he's giving our church the
review and it's real interesting Jesus like a good ball starts with positive things they're doing you know I love
this about Jesus and he says you guys you are hard-working it's been tough here at Ephesus to
really be a stand-up Christian with all the influence of the worldly City in which you live but you have persevered
you have endured hardships and you didn't follow false teaching when false
teaching tried to come into the church if you were to sum up in one word to church at Ephesus with all the things
that Jesus says they're doing great it would be a church of endurance I mean they endured they stuck with their faith
even though it was hard and it was difficult but they pushed through and even though when they didn't want to
these guys stayed the course I mean there were so many great things about them have you ever had a tough job and
you hated it but you had a family to feed and you decide you know what this
is not a job I want to stay in the rest of my life but I got to feed my family and you persevere I remember in school I
had a physics class and you had to have physics to graduate with a degree in chemistry I had to have that course it
was killing me and I hated it but I knew that if I'm going to get my degree I got
a persevere and it was eating my lunch every day it's sort of a quality of
character that Jesus sees in the Christians at the Ephesian church and he commends them and
he says you guys in so many ways are doing awesome sir like you know if you're an old baseball fan I used to
watch Cal Ripken and a lot of you young people probably don't even know him but that dude he was incredible you know
um he played 17 Seasons without missing a game
that's just amazing you know he played in
2632 consecutive games they called him Iron Man and so what does that mean he
played on days he was sick he played on days he was hurt I mean the dude was
committed and he you know he still goes down as somebody who just he loved the
game and he was he was committed to the task if you parallel that to the church
any church that is growing and doing great you know what at the core of every
church that's moving the kingdom forward there is a team of people staff and
volunteers who are iron men and women I mean there's times they're tempted to quit
every time some of you volunteers that have volunteered and you're you're on Nursery Duty or you're in children Duty
and and you're like oh my Lord I don't want to go but you know what you understand the kingdom mindset of that
and you go and that's how great churches are built and Jesus Christ knows that
because these guys are doing this in the name of Jesus Iron Man and Iron women
well in verse 2 he goes on to say he says you guys can't tolerate Wicked
people that's a good thing you protect the sheep and you have hard conversations with Wolves now that's
true today especially in our culture I mean do you understand that on a given weekend uh there's some people who come
here with unpure motives and you know we're going to point that out I mean you know we're not a singles club we're a
Church of Jesus Christ you know you're not going to come and stalk people and those kinds of things we're going to protect our people and so on Monday
morning our campus pastors have to have some hard conversations sometimes it's rebuking conversations and when they
have those do you think that the people they're talking to oh well thank you so much for your rebuke no it's tough in
the world in which we live at times but that's our responsibility and Jesus says you guys are awesome at this you're
willing to have the hard conversations because you know it's the right thing to do you protect the flock against false
teachers you know we have Grace and Highlands for all kinds of stuff
but we're always going to reject false teaching go back to Paul remember he
pastored The church here in Ephesus and notice what he said to them in Ephesians 4 29 he said do not let any unwholesome
talk come out of your mouth they had a issue with gossip but only what is helpful for building others up according
to their needs that they may benefit those who listen this is what Paul said to the Ephesian church when he was their
Pastor now Jesus says you guys have done great at that but there's something Jesus says it
troubles me even though you've done all these amazing things and he turns the
tide here in verse 4. and this is what he says he says yet I hold this against
you you have forsaken the love you had at
first oh man I I read that that's convicting for me I don't know how you take that
but that's convicting for me because I see what Jesus is saying he's saying it is actually possible to come to church
and to serve and to give and to listen and yet still lose your love for Jesus
and it can happen to those of us who have been Christians for many years again this church is filled with seasoned Saints this is a 30 year old
church when Jesus gives them this letter here's what I conclude from that sometimes your season grows old
and your heart grows cold and it can happen to all of us somewhere along the way your tender heart for the
crucified Jesus gets callous or gets cold
and I would just say as we go through this study ask yourself this could this be you I as I Was preparing the message
I thought Alan is this me is that me is that you
do you do this because you have to or you do do you do this in your Worship
in your service to Jesus because you get to and you understand why he's done for
you in your life and it's not out of Duty it is out a privilege and Delight
somewhere along the way the church at Ephesus grew cold and their hearts became sort of like ice and they kept
doing Church but they lost their passion for Jesus
you know I I think the verse that says search my ways o God now that's a great verse for us to pray
so I was sort of think as we wrap this up as how do you know if your heart's
grown cold well there's probably a lot of reasons you have but I would say there's three real quick things here's the first one
you've grown complacent I've grown complacent I just find myself going through the motions whether at church or
small group or in my quiet time it's going to have my 15-minute morning devotion with God and get that checked out but really my mind's somewhere else
on Facebook or social media the news or newspaper I go to church but you know I sort of
get in about second or third song and then I sort of head out before I ever hear anything the campus Pastor would
have to say but I checked it off the list you know I got I got my word from God today
I go to a small group when it's convenient I got a lot of other things I'm really busy with and I just really
don't have time for that small group very often but when it's convenient I'll try to bless them with my presence
it's sort of like you know I'm I'm older I remember the first time
ever heard that hymn Amazing Grace I was a fairly new Christian I was 18 years
old that was sort of crazy isn't it that you could live in America and we you know we
didn't really go to church that much and those kind of things in those early days and if we did I didn't listen to anything that was going on but after I
became a Christian and I started listening to some of the great hymns of faith and I remember hearing Amazing Grace
and I may not speak to you but man I just remember as that you know that that
I was a wretch that he saved a Wretch like Me and I realized that Jesus had given me
that Grace and and honestly I just remember weeping through that song
I knew I didn't deserve it but you know maybe today I could hear that
song and it doesn't phase me and uh I don't think twice about it just became
so routine for me to hear these kinds of things maybe in your life there was a time you
couldn't help but tell others what Jesus had done for you but it's been a long time since you've
shared anything about Jesus and I would just say where are you how do you know if your
heart's grown cold have you grown complacent here's second thing I think that happens your relationship with Jesus becomes casual this is so easy in
the culture in which we live you know this often happens with married couples right I mean you uh start dating
and you have passion and romance and it's so exciting I remember one time uh
Bryn and I were dating and there was this huge snowstorm but we you know our schedules were busy we both full-time in
jobs and I had promised I was going to go over and see her that night and I was in Richland she was in Bristol and there
was this huge snowstorm and I remember all the news folks to stay at home stay at home stay at home I waited till a
snow truck went by a plow I got behind that plow and I just plowed my way all the way to see her because my man I was
going to see her you know but I find so many marriages today you're sort of buddies
you know she has her life and the husband has his life and you sort of go in separate directions and I would just
say Jesus is not your buddy he never wants to be your buddy Jesus makes it
clear he is our Lord and he is our savior he doesn't want anything before
him and he says to us in the scripture to pick up our cross daily and follow
him surrender everything to him and here's the problem if you don't
correct your casual attitude for Jesus you'll eventually the third thing compromise your convictions with the
world I mean sooner or later your affections will be drawn to someone or something else and the world has plenty of options
out there today and you start craving the idols of the world anybody remember
what the number one job was in Ephesus the number one employment in Ephesus Idol making
they made these one foot statues of Artemis or Diana
and they sold them to thousands and thousands and thousands of people
I think about America we're in idle making land honestly we
are all these things that cry out for our attention we give our souls to making money we are
all about Fame and popularity and sex and even good things can become Idols
for us right travel social media Hobbies
how do things become Idols in our life well it's real simple it's an idol if you love it more than Jesus idolatry is
when you turn a good thing into an ultimate thing and now your life revolves around it and Jesus becomes
secondary or third or fourth or fifth or 50th and I would just say does that describe
you maybe somewhere along your Christian Journey I'm not talking to those of you
that are Skeptics that have not crossed the line I'm not talking to those of you that are new Christians you're not there yet but those of you that have been
seasoned in your commitment to Jesus have you become bored did you get
wounded somewhere along the way and it almost took you out did you get distracted by lots of other things that
we have to deal with today I'm not trying to guilt you that's not who I am but drifting happens and in some way
it's a very natural occurrence so if this describes you what do you do well it's interesting when Jesus gives the
verdict here on the church at Ephesus he also gives the solution and in verse 5 this is what he says he says repent and
do the things you did at first Jesus said if you want to have the relationship with me that you had I
haven't left you're the one who's left you go back and you do the things you did at first when you first came to
Christ you know um when Pastor Mark taught through the transformational life that
was so revealing to so many of us because it reminded us of these disciplines of prayer and fasting it
reminded us that we need to have a Sabbath we need to take some time to have weekly worship where we serve
someone else and I would just say don't wait until you feel like doing these
things or it's never going to happen it's never too late to repent
and turn back to your first love Jesus says in Revelation 2 5 if you do
not repent it's a Stern warning that he gives I will come to you
and I will remove your lampstand it's a church from its place
basically he's saying hey if if you don't get your heart right in the church in which you are part of
and you don't start loving Jesus and he becomes first and foremost in your life you know what she said it slides out at
that church he's not interested in spiritual clubs
he will shut the church down he will that's a powerful warning I think from
Jesus Jesus is saying no church is permanent again he's not interested in us being
the country club spiritual place so interesting to me and this is one of the reasons I bring this point out not
to not to try to you know leave on a negative note but here's the thing people still go to Ephesus into these
Seven Cities today I mean it's it's a very popular tourist place for Christians
and here's the deal in Ephesus do you realize if you were to visit Ephesus today
there are no churches none no lasting Christian witness in that
region of turkey today none whatsoever that is a sobering thought
so I want to close with this last verse that he says Whoever has ears let them
hear what the spirit says to the churches to the one who is Victorious I will give
the right catch this to eat from the Tree of Life where in the world did we hear that the tree of life this is the
last book of the Bible and he's referring to the first book of
the Bible this is Genesis which is in the paradise of God it's
interesting that he goes back all the way to Adam and Eve and here they were living in this paradise the Garden of
Eden and they botched it and sin entered into the world and death entered into
the world and here at the very end Jesus comes in Revelation to the church at Ephesus and he reminds us I'm coming
again I am the Alpha and the Omega and this time when I come I will be the King
of Kings and the Lord of lords I will bring a new Heaven and a new Earth I'm
going to fix it and he will sort of like uh the Undercover Boss you
know at the end of the story he comes back out to these faithful employees that he's worked alongside and it's
interesting with every one of these he gives a reward to those faithful
employees you know I can remember one whereas a single lady and she had children and so she was such a devout
employee that he says hey you don't have to worry about your kids education we're going to pay college for them they're
going to have a free college education another one I remember they gave a an unbelievable vacation because it was a
family that had been under stress and they just needed some time to be together another he bought a house you
know and that's Jesus he's looking he's watching he's doing a review he's
evaluating your life my life he's coming again and when we go to see him I want to hear
well done good and faithful servant he will reward those who are faithful
those works that we do after we become a believer in Christ they are noticed by him
and when you feel like giving up and when you feel like quitting just understand maybe you've gotten casual maybe you've
compromised maybe some other Idol is in your life besides Jesus today's
asking you to come back that's really the title of the whole series it's
finding our way back I want to encourage you to find your way back because I know I'm talking to many
of you who need to come back and I would just say to those of you online and on TV and it may be time for
you you know it's real easy to sit on the couch and those kind of things and we love you and you're part of our
family but it could be time for you to come back and actually come to an in-person Gathering get in church and
start serving and start engaging all of us in some way
need to find our way back so I want to pray with you today Father I thank you so much for this letter to
this church this letter from Jesus himself to the church
at Ephesus and all the incredible things they're doing man what a church it would be one that
most of us would run to to join but yet Jesus says it was actually a
church filled with seasoned believers that had grown cold
and their service now was casual and they had compromised
and other things were before Jesus that can happen so easily in the culture
in which we live today and God I do an evaluation in my own life my own family and I would ask every
person here as a child of God where are you is he really your first love
do you do it out of privilege or is it out of Duty have you moved away from the passion
and the heartbeat that you once had for Jesus the answer to bring Revival in our
region and our country is the church and if we could ever awake this sleeping
giant oh man it'd be incredible today God we pray you would help us find
our way back and God we would put you first and foremost that Spirit you would speak to us you would help us we will
begin to practice the disciplines out of the light and privilege not out of Duty
and God we would find that you're who you say you are king of kings and Lord
of lords we commit our church to you afresh today and if there's one here that has never
trusted Jesus or watching online and you've never trusted Jesus I want you to pray this prayer with me right now I
just want you to say dear Jesus I know I'm a sinner I know I've made mistakes and today I ask you to come into my life
and forgive me of my sin I receive you as my Lord and Savior I Surrender Lord
right now my life to you and if you prayed that prayer I want you to go online I want you to check that little
raised hand button and all of Heaven is celebrating with you at in person go and
grab somebody on your way out and share with them the decision you made and God help us as a church if you are
reviewing us God help us to look and to see where we need to find our way back
to you we ask all these things in christening amen amen well hey everybody
today's exciting day and uh we are privileged to be able to plant NCC new
Collective Church where we have incredible leadership team there Pastor Mark and the team are going to do
amazing things I know thousands and thousands and thousands of lives are going to be changed in Upper East
Tennessee and around the world and uh Mark has a little video I ask him to share with us and I want to pass off to
him and I want you to see this video from Pastor Market New Collective

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