Where Does My Worth Come From? Finding Rest in God's Love

James Dick - 6/18/2023

In this Fathers Day sermon, James Dick shares how our worth comes from God's love, not our accomplishments. He uses Psalm 63 and stories from his own life to show how God's love is greater than anything the world offers. Even when we feel lost and kicked down in life, we can find rest by remembering God's immense love shown through Jesus. Whether you had a loving earthly father or one who hurt you, God welcomes you as his beloved child. Turn to him and rest in his love.

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well good morning everybody wherever you are if you're at the Marion campus Bluefield Bristol anywhere online uh
welcome Happy Father's Day I am my name is James I'm so glad to be here with you guys I know uh whenever they asked me to
speak I'm standing on the shoulders of a lot of people who have gone before me so it's an honor to speak here I grew up in
Abingdon some of you guys probably changed my diaper uh when I was little and today I get to speak on Father's Day
which I'm really excited about because my wife and I just shared our two-year wedding anniversary and uh one of the
best and biggest blessings in our life is we had our first kid so I wanted to bring them up and introduce you all to
them uh this is Anna and Coulter I don't know if culture is sleeping right now luckily he's not crying usually during
the day he is fighting sleep very hard um this is Anna and Coulter and I wanted all of you guys to meet them
um it was really cool getting to experience having a baby as part of a
church family usually being on Church staff staff we are serving and pouring out and and giving and giving all the
time and we love doing that that's what we feel called to do but when we had culture uh the the amount of messages
that we received the amount of people who called and checked the the like so many people from here they just gave
gifts that we've never met before um it really made me see how much
Highlands is home that when you walk in these doors if you walked in here because you don't know your father and
you just didn't know where to go on this Sunday or maybe you're here with your family that when you see the signs out
there like this we don't just have it on signs and man seeing the receiving end
of that from how much the congregation loves people and how much you serve people and how much you care about
people and give to people I mean it was amazing and and being on that end of
that and seeing what kind of home that Highlands is man it's amazing so if you're here today and this is your first
time at Highlands I want you to know it's not just signs it's not just Billboards or wherever you may have
heard it or seen it this place is family that you can come with all of your hurts and all of your struggles and all of
your past and you can fit in no matter where your background has been or what you've been through to this is home and
I've never known that more than after the past few months with culture so I'm going to pray and I'm just so thankful
for all of you that have given to us and helped us and prayed for us it's been awesome so we all just pray with me real
quick man God we are so in love with you we want
to seek you thank you for a church family that is more than just a building or a group of people that gets together
on Sunday but it's a group of people that loves each other that Embraces each
other that encourages and pushes each other well I pray that if someone is in here today that they don't have that in
their life that they can know this is a place where they can come and they can be at home
or it's such a blessing to be part of a church that is home and that is family Lord thank you so much for loving us
Lord please speak through me today that this is not James's words Lord but these
are yours Lord thank you so much for loving us and we love you too amen hey
uh it's a great joy being a dad um right before Coulter we found out we were expecting culture I was so against
being a dad or becoming a dad anytime soon I was I wanted to have all my money right I wanted to have housing right I
wanted to have everything right in my mind and then we went on a trip to Peru
we were on a missions trip and the way people talked about babies and kids
there was so different in the United States here it's it is almost viewed as a burden of well you have to have this
much stuff and you have to have this much preparation and everything prepared and we went there and that was really my
mindset and we saw these people who just kept coming up even though we were been married a year uh saying when you have a
baby when are you gonna have a baby when are you gonna have a baby over and over and over again and me being James not
Anna was like five years from now like as long as we can wait but the people
there talked about like no no you're missing like a kid is a blessing it's a
plan if you're a parent here you know that and if you're wanting to be a parent you can understand that or maybe
you are the one that's like me and like I don't want to be a parent for a long long time I want to encourage you that
don't buy into what the world tries to sell is it's a burden being a dad or a mom is the greatest blessing it's the
greatest blessing so today I'm lucky enough to continue the series that we're in in the Book of Psalms and I wanted to
give some kind of context so when I read this you can remind yourself of this is that the book of Psalms was created
during the Old Testament for the nation of Israel and it's almost like a prayer book okay that whatever season in life
they were going through just like with the video said in the opener no matter what season people were going through it
was there to guide them to help them to show them even when like they believe that God was only in the temple that God
was still there in every season of life in the desert in the best places in life
in the worst places so as you read through psalms it's a book also intended
for you that in every season of Life whatever you're going through it's a reminder hey
here's how I pray here's how I can remember God when everything seems destroyed and I seem lost in the desert
like we're going to read today I can remember God that he is good that he's my father so we're going to be in Psalm
63 today and the author of this is David you guys know David the sling with the
giant you guys ever heard that story he's a king of Israel done all these amazing things and most scholars believe
when this Psalm was written he had actually fleed from his kingdom that his own son had raised a little tiny Army
against him and they were coming to throw him out so David has ran away Into
the Wilderness and that's where most scholars believe this was written so I'm going to read through Psalm 63 and we're
going to go back portion through portion and what does this mean for us today so Psalm 63 a Psalm of David when he was in
the desert of Judah here it is he says you God are my God earnestly I see seek
you I thirst for you my whole being Longs for you in a dry and parched land
where there is no water I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power
and your glory because your love is better than life my lips will glorify
you I will praise you as long as I live and in your name I lift up my hands I
will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods with singing Lips my
mouth will praise you on my bed I remember you I think of you through the watches of the night because you are my
help I sing in the shadow of your wings I cling to you your right hand upholds
me those who want to kill me will be destroyed they will go down to the depths of the earth they will be given
over to the sword and become food for jackals but the king will rejoice in God
all who swear by God will glory in him while the man why the mouths of liars
will be silenced so we're going to walk through that Psalm and just piece by piece and I hope you can see in this
that whatever Walk of Life you are in as the book of Psalms is you can see this and you can say hey this is my God this
is where I can find rest so we're going to start out verse one you God are my
God earnestly I Seek You I thirst for you my whole being Longs for you in a
dry and parched land where there is no water I talked to my team I volunteer team and
I encourage them that man we gotta search for God like he's oxygen that we need to stay alive with
and every day when we came it's a desperation God I need you I want to earnestly seek for you and so my
question for you is this is what are you earnestly seeking and I'm go back to Peru when I read this book and it's
awesome to come to a church that has all these awesome lights and and equipment and amazing worship teams and things
like that I get spoiled even though when I started in Bluefield you know we met in a double-wide trailer for a while we
met and the student we we didn't have a lot but we had people in relationships and over the past year I'd kind of
forgotten that well we went to Peru and we were invited to speak in all these little churches down there and uh I got
to go to one and where we were at the Amazon River Rises and lowers every
single year and they build their Huts above the river because they get out of taxes if they do that well this man who
was the pastor had donated his own house to the church to be a church and I
walked in and I'm coming from you know here where we have all this amazing stuff and microphones and sound equipment and I walk into this place and
I see I mean the floor is literally falling in the the walls are are coming
down they have poster boards over the wall to cover the holes the the tin roof you can see straight through it into the
sky and I'm just like this is a church oh what what happens here but then they
started worship I mean I've never seen that kind of worship in my life the the people it
didn't matter there was a lady there who was celebrating her 80th or 80th birthday and she was jumping up and down
on the floors that had holes in it she was worshiping and singing and with nothing it seemed like they had
everything and I look at my life and I think about earnestly seeking God
I'm like man I'm so lucky I'm so blessed I could wake up I have electricity I can I can read the Bible
whenever I want I'm in a free country if I look at those people with nothing with holes in the floor
jumping with joy for the Lord worshiping when they can see the sky there's no ceiling above them Alec and
Mal is so humbled I was so so humbled earnestly seeking the Lord and you guys
have probably met someone who will remind you of this have you ever have you ever met someone that whatever
happens in life it doesn't matter because they're so in love with Jesus you probably all know somebody there's a
volunteer in Bristol that reminds me of this her name is Michelle Michelle over the past year had a tumor
inside of her head I don't know if it's officially a brain tumor or what but she had a tumor in her head a life-changing
situation come up and I just felt for her but then week in after weekend Sunday
after Sunday Michelle kept showing up she kept coming and serving the kids with joy and loving people when it was
one of the hardest situations in her life and I I just had I was like what is different about you
because man if that was me with with a baby so she has daughters and a husband I'd be upset what what is so different
about you how do you how do you get that when everything in life seems like it's going wrong
how did how does that make any sense Michelle and she came back and she says not about
me I could die today and and I'm happy I'm okay with it and she still is
serving in Bristol student Ministry serving she leads our kitchen team serving food every single Sunday and
every week showing up with joy and love for the students that I we rarely I mean ever see
what are you earnestly seeking David is writing this from a place where he's been removed by his own son from
Power he was a great king he had all this territory and he's in the desert riding from a place where it would seem
like everything is wrong but he says you God are my God still everything in me
Longs for you as he understands where that worth is
when uh when culture grows up this is what I care most about him seeing about me
is it whether Ministry is going great whether finances are amazing whether I
lose everything or gain everything I have my health I lose my health this is what I want culture to see
is it in everything I'm going to earnestly seek God in a dry and parched
land he's my water he's my everything and then the the question that I would
ask is well why because that doesn't make sense especially here in America we want to have like I said at the beginning I want
to have the house before I have a kid I want to have the finances I want to have everything planned out but why and David
answers that in this next thing right here verse 3 because your love God your
love is better than life
I I want you guys to understand that on this Father's Day and oftentimes we view God how we view our own fathers if you
had a very loving and caring father it's easy to look at God and say okay God loves me and he cares for me with
everything and it's easy to get that but man if you come from somewhere where you don't know your dad
or your dad hurt you or your family or maybe you just tried to live up to your expectations of your father whatever
that was it's hard to look at God and get that but David says your love is better than
life my lips will glorify I want you to take a moment I want you guys to think about this uh I want you guys to think
of the most intelligent person you've ever met in your life I think of a girl
that I was in high school with uh super smart her name was Fatima um she was so smart and then you know
there was me so I asked her to help tutor me for my saat studying because I
went in I took the SAT and I made one score and it was average I was happy
with it but Fatima smart so I went to Fatima and I said Fatima will you help me study so for two months I went over
to Fatima's house and I'm terrible at math she took me through math for two months and said this is how this works
and how this works and how everything and I went back to take that sat and I made the same exact score after all that
hard work um and so Fatima of course had an amazing School score she got a
scholarship to go to college but I think of that and I think of the most intelligent person that I've ever met and then I think of God and how much
immensely more intelligent he is how much more he knows and understands
think of the strongest person you've ever met I think of a guy I used to lift with in Abingdon he was built like a
brick house I mean he's huge you know he was the song Brick House he was gigantic I think he could push any weight he
could throw anything as far as he wanted to all of these things like you guys probably have met someone like that just an absolute Ox of a person
now I think of God and I think how much more immensely stronger that God is
and here's the question that all of us struggle with I want you to think of who loves you the most
is it your parent is it you for how you love your kid is it a grandparent is it a foster
parent is it an adoptive parent and then I want you to think if God's your father how much more immensely and
immeasurably he loves you it's easy to think of the strongest and
the smartest when we think of that love it's what Dave is writing about God your love is greater than my life
so that when things happen it's okay I don't remember I know where my worth
is when he's thrown out of his kingdom it's okay I know my God
I know who he is we'll come back to that at the end I don't want to jump ahead of myself
verse 4 says this I will praise you as long as I live and in your name I will
lift up my hands if you see people worshiping that's where it is right there they say hey God I'm going to give
you everything that's just where that comes from that's a side track sorry it says I will be fully satisfied with the
richest of foods for me that's like Golden Corral my wife would punch me for saying that but I love me some Golden
Corral I don't know about you maybe a steak hey my life is like I'm fully satisfied in who you are it's like the
richest of foods it's like everything I could ever want guy that you already have it your love is better than life
your your everything is better it's like all the richest of foods and with
singing Lips my mouth will praise you this reminds me there's a little boy at the Bristol campus
um uh he can't be taller than this he's a little little cowboy his dad is a cowboy too where's cowboy hat
um and we sit on the opposite side of the sanctuary from him and when the worship team starts man it is on for him
I can hear him screaming The Worship lyrics from the other side and it's not
annoying it's I want what that kid has I want to worship like him
I want to I want this I want my my lips and my mouth will praise you because you're better than what I can give
myself I want to scream like the little he gets it man that kid gets it when you sing
and when you worship it's not about how you sound no I mean if you come up here and you're like
screaming in front of the stage at the worship leaders certain words then we probably will have an issue but
it's about hey God's better than everything if I get sick and I lose everything I
want to be the person that my son looks at and says there's something different about him
all my friends or what I see in the world they don't have that there's something different about him because his love is better than life it
says on my bed I remember you I think of you through the watches of the night and
I want you to kind of take his peek back because the Psalms all read together is Psalm 23 Alan talked about it at the
start of this it's it's a look back on what David wrote that day it's a look back even though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil where does that come from thinking of God
and in all the times remembering the blessings that you didn't think you were going to get before
when you thought it was over you weren't going to make it God got me through that when when I did he says I think of you
on my bed I remember you I think of you through the watches of the night when everything is dark and he's kicked out
of his kingdom by his own family what does he think about not Revenge
not how to get back kind of think of you on my bed and the watches of the night
because you are my help I sing in the shadow of your wings I cling to you your
right hand upholds me it's another look back to Psalm 23 Your Rod and your staff they comfort me
God you're the one who upholds me as hard as I work and I think dads struggle with this the most on Father's
Day to be honest if we can be honest is we want to provide and we want to give our families the the best life possible
we I want my kid to grow up and not have any fear okay he's got dad's got me hey
I don't know what's going on I don't know what finances look like but dad's got it that's what I want to give my kids
but more than that I want them to look and see the why does Dad have me it's because Dad doesn't have himself
God's got him your your right hand upholds me no matter how hard I want work how much
money I earn all that can be lost in a day I could go to the hospital and they could tell you James you have six months to live
I just got the privilege uh to have a friend he had cancer for a long time and he
just passed away and uh I had lots of meetings and and time with him to think about life and it's a really different
perspective when you meet someone who knows they're dying because all of us are slowly I mean but someone who's a
doctor has told them hey man you got a few months this is it to talk to him and to hear how he talked about God is
totally different from how I've ever thought about God the closeness that he felt with him
the the even though he had cancer and everything was diminishing Health was going away
it's the most comfortable I've ever seen anybody with that rest and he had moments he had fears of death like we all do
but he was comfortable God your right hand upholds me when I can't even when I feel like I can it's not me
it's not what I've done what I've earned it's not any of that it's yours Paul in the New Testament it says I consider
everything garbage compared to the love of knowing Christ it's not about me it's not what I
current fathers in this room mothers in this room listen it's not about what you can earn for your son or your daughter
well all that's great it's about knowing the love of the father because his love is better
than life I'll continue now this last part gets a little weird so you got to hang with me
those who want to kill me will be destroyed don't go to your neighbor who made you mad this week and said you're
gonna just be destroyed God's coming for you James did not say that those who want to kill me will be
destroyed they will go down to the depths of the earth they will be given over to the sword and become food for
jackals but the king will rejoice in God all who swear by God will glory in him
while the mouths of liars will be silenced David writes this again kicked
out of his own kingdom by his own son removed from his comfortable life as king he says this and what I want you to see
is the end of it but the king will what rejoice in God
in the darkest Valley in the Valley of the shadow of death when you removed from your own house by
your own son I'm going to rejoicing God we have lots of families who struggle with kids with
addictions and struggling that man that's a tough one that's a tough conversation
David is going through a moment when he feels like he's probably lost his son he's thrown him out of his own kingdom
what does he do he says I'm going to rejoice in you all who swear by God by God will glory in him while the mouths
of liars will be silenced I want to wrap up and with a couple stories but this is
the question I have for you I work in youth ministry so I see students come and go and share their struggles and
their hurts and I ask the leadership team of the students what do you guys want to talk about this year what's the
number one thing if you can think of students across the area are struggling with what's the one thing I sent them
some options not one did not say this so every single student said anxiety
I struggle like I have a group of 20. 20 students all of them said anxiety is my
number one I want you to talk about that I want you to help me with that how do I deal with
that and then when I look at our lives because I mean you guys all know the country song I've been watching you like
the little boy who says the cuss word in the truck and the dad's like what am I doing and he sees him praying the next
night because he saw his dad praying is what example are you setting Allen's talked about it all through this series
about busyness and hurriedness and I look at the Next Generation and that's what they see
okay my schedule has to be full to accomplish the love of my parents or I
have to accomplish this many things too and maybe it's it's not like you're telling them that but it's man
everything else is hurried and full and busy my question to you as parents once
one day you're going to be parents you might as well start now starting later is much more difficult one example are
you setting what example are you setting that when you're lost
in the in the Valley of the shadow of death when you're kicked out what example are you setting here's what
I've learned is that it's not your high points where people learn everything about you it's at your lowest when
people see that's their character that's who they are and the number one people who see that are your kids
when you come home exhausted from working man it's hard come home exhausted from work or a fight or
something didn't go your way you didn't get the promotion that's hard but what example are we setting in our
schedules in our life how we serve how we give what examples are we setting and why do
we set those examples is back to verse three because your love is greater than life
um culture came to Milwaukee with me a couple weeks ago and Anna had an appointment and I could not get him to
go to sleep he was screaming and crying and I put him in the nursery I tried shaking the bed I mean I did all the
tricks and everything and so I said well I know I can put people to sleep with and that's telling Bible stories
going through all the time so I put him in my arms and I started walking around the sanctuary in Bristol and I was
trying to figure out what do I talk about and I just said well I know the gospel pretty well I'll start with the
Old Testament and I'll work my way through it so I told him about the garden and Adam and Eve and how one of
them fell short and both of them fell short and now sins introduced I told him about Noah's Ark and all the animals and
the fuzzy creatures and everything like the rabbits that we have in our backyard got on this big giant boat and they
sailed I talked to him about Moses and there's this nation of Israel who needed freedom
and they brought them out of Egypt now I told them about David and a giant coming
up against him with everything and and slinging a rock at him and conquering this immeasurable object that they were
so afraid of I told him all those stories and I get to the New Testament and there's a cross hanging up on the
wall in Bristol and I said and Buddy because of all these mess-ups we're the
same way all the sin but that thing right there sets you free
with all the history with everything you've done that sets you free it's not
how hard you work and the whole time he was squirming and he was trying to get comfortable and all these things and I
mentioned the cross and we're right there below it and he just looks up at me in my eyes he takes a deep breath
and he rests he looked up and he saw his father and he finally stopped squirming he
stopped trying to get comfortable himself make it himself and he finally rested and he went to sleep there's a
lot of people especially dads who think I have to earn my way I have to square my way through and get
comfortable enough and and I once I do that then I can finally rest
but man I want to encourage you it's not about that it's not about earning it it's not about doing or being or
anything like that instead it's about looking at the father and saying God I've been squirming for
too long I've been trying to make my own way for too long you're where the rest is David
knows this your right hand upholds me even when I'm in a dry land you're the
water that fulfills me when I lose everything it doesn't matter because because you're
really my everything for those of you with kids you can probably relate to that for those of you who
don't know God as the father I want to read you this it's First John 3 1 it says this see what great love the father
has lavished on us that we should be called children of God and what that is
that we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him
it's it's this reminder hey you're a child of God that with everything and in the same way
that I held Coulter and he looked at me in my eyes and he finally rested God
looks at you he says child not because of what you've done or what you've earned
but instead because of what he gave for you because in the same way that I looked at Coulter in my arms God looked
at his son who went to a cross his own one and only son if you can imagine I can't even imagine that who
went to a cross was nailed to it humiliated by a crown of thorns because he was a king he was a king of the Jews
above his head in mockery and all of that God looked at his son and he says yes for right now I know that's going on
because one day James dick is going to be in Southwest Virginia and he needs it in the same way we all need it to look
up at God and say I don't have to square him anymore I don't have to be good enough anymore you gave your son for me on the cross
for Gods who loved the world he gave his one and only son so that whoever believed in him shall not perish but
have eternal life he did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but to save it I mean there's a lot of
people who try to live up to their father's expectations and they felt like they never could I could never be good enough for my dad I
could never earn my way to my dad's love or his respect maybe he didn't feel like maybe he had a great father
for all of us fall short of the glory of God and we can look at scripture and
know I don't got to work for it when you're looking for rest you don't you don't have to look any further
when when you're looking for fulfillment you don't have to look any further God's there saying child I gave everything
I think if we just crash that God your love is better than my life why because you gave your sons for mine
if you're here today and you don't know that and you've never accepted Christ into your heart I want to lead you
through that it's it's nothing crazy you don't gotta jump up and do circles unless you want to it's just saying God
I know I'm a sinner I know I've fallen short I know that I
don't deserve it but for some reason you gave your son to Die For Me on the cross God I want to turn away from my past I
want to repent from my sins I want to chase after you so I'm gonna pray and if you want to
make that decision today knowing there's a father who looks at you and says child son or daughter with everything even
while you were still a sinner he says I love you enough to give my son for you if you want to make that decision will you pray
with me right now just say God I know I'm messed up I know I've fallen short of your glory
but I just want to ask you to come into my life I want to ask you to help me seek after
you Lord I want to repent I want to turn away from my sins I want to search for
you I want to serve you in everything because your love is greater than life
your love is greater than my mistakes it's like an ocean
Lord your love is so vast it's so immense that it's greater than anyone
who's ever loved me Lord thank you so much for loving us and we love you too
amen hey real quick uh before you guys get up and leave or the campus pastors come out and talk
um just a reminder about the example you're setting because it's easy to leave and say that was good maybe it was
good maybe you thought I sucked that's okay too what example are you setting in your
family are you reading scripture with your kids are you reading scripture on your own is
your schedule so full that you can't feel like you have a breath what example are you setting
when your kids look at you do they say he or she is earnestly seeking god with
everything they have hey thank you all very much hope you guys have a great day and you will hear from your campus pastors or someone at your campus

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