Online Chat Host

You can serve with HFOnline from anywhere in the world! We have volunteers from different parts of the United States each week.  If you are interested in reaching the world with the love of Jesus through the power of the internet, then HFOnline is a great place for you to serve.

We are also in need of people to volunteer as Prayer Partners during services to chat with users in a one-on-one private chat. You can serve as a Chat Host without doing live prayer, but it is an option if you are able to message with people who may have questions, hurts, or maybe just need someone to pray with them.

Opportunity Details:

Preference Area:
Days of the Week: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Role: Upfront, Behind the Scenes
Area of Interest: Administration, Hospitality, Outside the Walls, Prayer, Technology


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