21 Days of Prayer and Fasting - Day 11


Matthew 6:11 “Give us today our daily bread.”

It is amazing, and yet should not come as a surprise, that after Jesus introduces us to God as Father, who wants to bring about his kingdom and will on earth, He then invites us to ask God to “give us today our daily bread.” This is so, well, basic. One might expect that after calling on the kingdom of God to come, and will to be done on earth that the next line would be more epic. Instead, it is as basic as food for the day. This reveals another important thing about God, our Father. God is good and generous. Jesus insists on us asking God for help, which is a key part of prayer. It is an invitation from God for us to ask for help.

While “give” is an invitation, “today” and “daily” are reminders of dependence and frequency. The practice of prayer is practicing depending on God. It is intentionally seeking God for help, and not relying upon our own understanding or strength, and doing so day by day. Later on in Matthew 6, Jesus said things like “do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink,” and “do not worry about tomorrow.” Sometimes those things can sound somewhat crass, but not after considering the invitation to ask our good, generous heavenly Father for help today. In simplest terms, this aspect of prayer is asking God for help everyday.

It is interesting that the descriptive that Jesus uses for God’s help and provision is “bread.” On one hand, Jesus picked the most common, ordinary food item. Again, it’s basic. On the other hand, there could be more here than simply lunch or food. In John 4, after Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well, his disciples returned to bring him food. This was his response: “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” There is another dynamic to this “daily bread” that we are invited to ask for, and it is that what God has for us meets our deepest desires and needs. We get to feast not only on provisions, but rather the will of God and the work of God. Jesus said that was “food” for him. Doing what God desires fulfills my deepest desires. The practice of prayer is an invitation to fix our eyes daily on God, to feast on His goodness, and to invite others to the table to eat.


How do you need to ask God for help today?

Take a moment to express your gratitude to God for His daily provisions.

How does it shape and form your relationship with God to consider that He meets your deepest desires?

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