21 Days of Prayer and Fasting - Day 17


Matthew 7:7c “. . . knock and the door will be opened to you.”

This takes us to the third verb or action of prayer mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 7:7. We are invited to knock. The imagery here takes us to the doorstep of the presence of God, invites us to knock, and to come in. What is not described here, but rather inferred, is that behind the door is the table. To be welcomed into table fellowship in the gospels and context of Jesus was to be invited into the most hospitable, intimate environment. We really don’t have anything to compare this to in most modern cultures. To be invited around the table was to be invited into a place of honor while also less formal than other environments.

Jesus invites us to knock, and to come in. We are invited to come to table fellowship with Him, and to converse with Him. Jesus modeled table fellowship in the gospels with people like tax collectors such as Matthew in Matthew 9, and Zacchaeus Luke 19. In those moments, we don’t know all of the details of the conversations, but we do know that they were transformative conversations. These moments produced transformation in beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. All of this happened around the table with Jesus.

So, knock. Go in. Stay awhile. Talk. Listen. Leave more like Jesus. Go again soon.


How does the imagery of “knocking” shape and form you and your approach to prayer?

What can we learn from moments of Jesus being around the table with others?

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