21 Days of Prayer and Fasting - Day 3


Let’s pause for a moment and recap the past two days because of the significance of these two practices of fasting and prayer.

Again . . .

The practice of fasting is abstaining from food (and possibly other things) for the purpose of engaging with and centering on God.

The practice of prayer is communicating and communing with God.

Now, today is important for us to make the connection to the power of the combination of the two practices together.

Fasting and prayer pair well with one another because fasting is a practice of abstaining from the desires of the flesh, and prayer is a practice of engaging with God. This is a pattern that God uses to bring deep inward transformation to our lives as followers of Jesus. We need both to practice abstaining from and engaging with. We do not merely abstain from that which shapes us and forms us negatively, but we also engage with that which shapes us and forms us into the image of Jesus.

Without realizing it, we all have disordered desires and habits that negatively shape us and form us. Some of these originate internally from our own hearts, and some of them originate from external sources and make their way into our hearts. This can be as simple as picking up your phone first thing in the morning, and absorbing a flood of negativity or news. It can be as dark as a secret sinful pattern that is slowly enslaving you in its grip. Regardless of the pattern, we all need to abstain from some things, and make room to engage with God for us to be shaped and formed into the image of Jesus. This is the power of the possibility of the combination of fasting and prayer.


Take a moment to consider what habits or practices that have been present in your life that you need to abstain from temporarily or permanently.

Take a moment to consider what habits of practices that you may need to engage with to help you experience life with Jesus.

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