Awesome Marriage Scripture Challenge - Day 4 There are lots of themes in the Bible as a whole. Today take a few minutes to watch a Bible Project
Awesome Marriage Scripture Challenge - Day 6 Who has helped you understand the Bible better? God uses these people
Awesome Marriage Scripture Challenge - Day 7 Think about a passage in scripture that has always confused one or both of you and today take 15
Awesome Marriage Scripture Challenge - Day 8 Today surround yourself and your spouse with scripture - literally!
Awesome Marriage Scripture Challenge - Day 9 Often, in our readings of the Bible, we only get snippets at a time it can be hard sometimes to see
Awesome Marriage Scripture Challenge - Day 11 Writing the word can help you focus on the message and engrave it on your heart.
Awesome Marriage Scripture Challenge - Day 13 The point of God’s word isn’t to just read it, it’s to live it out. James 1:21-27 says: